Setups Check list for the Inter Company transactions
1. Make Sure there are no security rules defined when shipping the item from other Operating unit and Auto Accounting rules are defined(for Selling OU) to default the balancing segment values with Table Name as Standard Lines(Which will get the values from Standard line item or Inventory Item used)
Path for Security Rules:
Responsibility: General Ledger Responsibility
Navigation: Setup → Financials → Flexfields → Validation → Security → Define
Path for Auto Accounting:
Responsibility: Receivables Responsibility
Navigation: Setup → Transactions → Auto Accounting
2. Make Sure Shipping parameters are defined for both Shipping and Selling operating units.
Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility
Navigation: Shipping → Setup → Shipping Parameters
3. Make Sure that the COGS account is assigned to the Transaction Type used for SO in Selling Organization.
Note : you also give COGS account on the Intercompany transaction flows
Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility
Navigation: Setup-> Transaction Type
Create an Expense item of freight and assign to shipping org and then assign the item to the system parameter.
Responsibility: Order Management Responsibility
Navigation: Setup → System Parameters → Values
5. Define Intercompany Transaction flow and Intercompany Relations
Responsibility: Inventory Manager
Navigation: Setup → Organizations → Intercompany Transaction Flows
“Advanced Accounting’ option is not available for internal
requisitions – internal sales order business flow. Though you can set the
‘Advanced Accounting’ flag at Intercompany Transaction Flow header to ‘Yes’,
system ignores the flag and does not generate any logical transactions. This
means you cannot have an intermediate financial node in the intercompany
transaction flow. Also,you cannot have intercompany invoicing for internal
sales order with direct transfer (in shipping network between the inventory organizations)
as an option. You have an flexibility to switch off intercompany invoicing for
internal sales orders by setting the profile ‘INV: Intercompany Invoice for
Internal Orders’ to No.
Note that in
Intercompany Transaction Flow, physical goods never flow through intermediate
operating unit. Oracl e creates ‘Logical Material Transactions’ between the
operating units, based on which intercompany invoices between multiple operating
units are raised.
No logical
transactions will be created when you do not choose ‘Advanced Accounting’
6.Make sure Destination organisations is set as customer in the Sourcing Organisation.
Enter the inventory org name of the destination org in the ship-to (internal location field).
Responsibility : Order Management
Navigation : Customer-> Site-->Details-->Business purpose-->Ship-to--->Details--> Internal location and internal organisations
If the Profile option use"INV: Use Advance pricing for Inter company" is set to No, Enter the pricelist that would be used for transfer price.
Navigation : Customer--> Site--> Details--Business Purpose-->Bill to--Details-->Pricelist.
Note: Advanced Pricing Profile ‘INV: Advanced Pricing for Inter company Invoice’ decides the usage of advanced pricing , Set the profile to ‘Yes’ in the Sourcing OU for using the advanced pricing. If the profile is set to No, then the system will use the static price from the price list associated with the Bill to Address of the IC Customer.
7.Shipping networks is defined between inventory orgs of Sourcing and destination organisations.
Responsibility: Inventory Manager
Navigation: Setup → Organizations → Shipping Network
Intercompany invoicing is possible for inter-org transfers of type ‘In-transit’ only through ‘Internal sales Orders’. No intercompany invoicing is possible if you perform org transfers between two inventory orgs belonging two different operating units without ‘internal sales Orders’. Also note that intercompany invoice cannot be raised for inter-org transfers of type ‘Direct Transfer’ through Internal sales Orders.
Also check if the Price list is entered in the transfer price section.
8) Make sure if "internal order type" and "Internal requistion order source" is entered in the purchasing option of the the sourcing org.
Responsibility : Purchasing super user
Navigation : Setup:-> Organizations->Purchasing option-->"Internal requisition" and "Internal Order type"
Inter company invoicing and pricing logic.
Now users can set up a profile to
create inter company invoices for Internal Orders of type
In-transit Shipments. The profile is called –
1. INV: Inter-company Invoice for
Internal Orders. This profile can be set at site level and assumes a
default value of No.
The form to define the
inter-company relations is common for both trade ordersand internal orders and remains
unchanged. It is this set up between the selling and shipping operating units that
decides if an internal order or a trade order qualifies for creating inter-company invoices (Both
AR and AP).
In the existing functionality, the
invoice price for creating inter-company AR and AP invoices for Trade Orders
is picked from the price list specified for the customer in the customer setup.
So every time an item in a trade order isinvoiced for a given customer,
same price and the price list is used. In other words, the price of an item is
static. If user wants to use a different price, user would have to either change the
price in the price list for that item or change the price list code in the customer
set up. Item price could also come from an external API, if the external API
was programmed to return a value for that item.This external API is a hook
provided which users can program to use their own criteria to return an invoice
With this enhancement,
Inter-company invoicing program would be able to use Advanced Pricing Engine to derive
invoice price for an item. Advanced pricingsetup would allow users to define
different rules based on which a price list should be used to get invoice
price for an item. Users can use this feature by setting a profile otherwise the
system would use the static price as explained in the previous paragraph. The new
profile is called-
2. INV: Advanced Pricing for
Inter-company Invoice. This can be set atsite level. When this profile is
set to “Yes”, user can use Advance
Pricing (QP) engine for
Inter-company Invoicing.
Note: User is expected to
purchase a separate license for Advance Pricing.Setting this profile without a
license will not provide the functionality.
New Request Type, Global
Structure, Context and new set of Qualifier and Pricing Attributes have been
seeded to define advanced pricing rules for intercompany invoicing process.
If profiles 1 and 2 are set to “Yes”
and QP is installed then user will be able to use QP for Intercompany invoicing
of Internal Orders. Flow chart given below gives in
details the logic that is used to get item price
during the process of
intercompany invoicing. Intercompany invoicing for Sales
Order and Internal Order will look for an external API (customer / user
programmable hook) to return a price for the items that have been included in the
Sales Order or Internal Order. If the API doesn’t return a value and if both the
profiles that are mentioned above are set to “Yes”, then the pricing logic will try
to get the price from the price list using the QP
engine. If QP finds the price for
that Item in one of the price lists then
intercompany invoicing will
process that record and move to the next record. If
QP is unable to find a correct
price for that item then intercompany invoicing
will log an error message for
that record and move to the next record.
Intercompany invoicing for Sales
Order & Internal Order will look for an
external API (customer / user
programmable hook) to return a price for the items
that have been included in the
Sales Order or Internal Order. If the API doesn’t
return a value and If QP profile
(profile # 2) is set to “No” and profile # 1 is set
to “Yes”, then the pricing logic
will try to get the price from the price list then
that has been specified for that
customer (in the customer setup). If there is no
price defined then an error
message will be logged and pricing logic will go to
the next record and start processing it.
If users want to use Advanced
Pricing feature for Intercompany Pricing, then
before defining pricelists, user
has to set the following 2 profiles at the user level
with the following values:
QP: Pricing Transaction Entity –
Intercompany Transaction
QP: Source System Code - IC
This will allow the user to see
and use the Intercompany context, in addition to
the Order Fulfillment context to define
attribute-mapping rules.
Two new mappings/relationships
between request type and source system codes
have been seeded. One is between
request type IC and source system INV, and
the second is between request
type IC and source system QP. The request type
IC and Source system INV are new
set of seed data. The above two mappings
allow the users to have price
lists that are common to both inter-company
invoicing and sales order
invoicing. For trade orders, price lists are created with
source system code of ‘QP’, and
the mapping between OM (Oracle order
management system) and QP
(Advanced pricing) is used to pick pricelists for
trade order invoices. Similarly,
inter-company users may decide to create
separate price lists for
intercompany invoicing, that is with source system code
of INV. This can be achieved by
setting the profile ‘QP: Source system code’ to
INV. In order to use only these
prices lists for inter-company invoicing, the
mapping between IC and QP should
be disabled, otherwise if pricing engine
finds a better fit for the price
list defined under QP, it will return use that
A new global structure has been
defined that can be used to define mapping
rules for qualifier attributes and
pricing attributes for price lists. This global
structure is based on all the
information that is captured and available in a sales
order or an internal sales order
record. All seeded defaulting rules are defined by
using this global structure.
Users can use the data in this global structure to
define more mapping rules.
For More details get the metalink white paper named"Intercompany Invoicing and
Advance Pricing Integration"
Good consolidated document