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How to adjust Invoice Distributions and situations when the system prevents such updates?

Adjusting Invoice Distributions
If you have not yet posted an invoice distribution and if you do not use Automatic 
Offsets, you can update most of invoice distribution details, including Description, 
GL Date, Income Tax Type, Withholding Tax Group, and Income Tax Region. If the 
distribution has not posted and you have enabled the Allow Flexfield Override 
Payables option, you can also change the Account. If the distribution has not been 
posted and the distribution has an expense type account, you can also adjust the 
Track as Asset check box. 

For more information on changing a particular field, see:
Invoice Adjustment Chart in the Payables User Guide.

For Prepayment type distributions, the only fields you can adjust are
Tax Code and Description. You cannot reverse or delete Prepayment
distributions. However, you can unapply them.

You cannot adjust invoice distributions for a paid invoice if you disable the 
Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices Payables option.

If you add or reverse distributions or if you change a distribution amount, you 
must submit Approval again before you can pay the invoice. Invoice Validation recalculates the invoice scheduled
payments. Invoice Validation also reallocates any Tax, Freight, or
Miscellaneous charges that are not already fully allocated, or that were
allocated to reversed distributions. If the charge is not fully allocated,
Invoice Validation removes any existing allocations and prorates the
charge across all eligible distributions.

Many factors affect whether you can adjust invoice distributions. 

For a complete list of restrictions, see: 
Invoice and Invoice Batch Adjustment Restrictions in the Payables User Guide.

For a chart that shows each field and when you can adjust it, see: 
Invoice Distribution Adjustment Chart in the Payables User Guide.

Purchase Order Matched Distributions

You can adjust the GL Date, Income Tax Type, and, under some circumstances, the Account fields of a purchase order matched invoice
distribution. You can change the Account only if you have not yet accounted for the invoice and if you have enabled the Allow Matching
Account Override Payables option.

If the invoice is purchase order matched, you cannot directly adjust fields that are defaulted by the matched purchase order, such as
Amount. You can, however, reverse purchase order matched distributions at any time, then create new invoice distributions by

Updating Invoice Distributions

If the invoice is paid, enable the Allow Paid Invoice Adjustments Payables option.

To update invoice distributions:
1. Find the invoice. See: Finding Invoices.
2. In the Invoices Summary, choose Distribute to navigate to the Distributions 

Summary. Make any of the following changes: Add Distributions. If you want to 
add distributions, add them in the usual manner. 

Reverse Distributions. Select the distributions and choose Reverse. Payables 
automatically creates a reversing distribution for each distribution you select. 

Rematch to Purchase Orders. Reverse a purchase order matched distribution, then 
match to a new purchase order shipment or distribution.

Adjust Account. If you have not yet posted the distribution, and you do not use 
encumbrance accounting, adjust the Account. 

Adjust GL Date. Payables uses the GL Date of the invoice distribution to determine 
the GL period to which it posts the invoice distributions. 

Adjust Track as Asset. If you have Oracle Assets installed, the distribution is 
unposted, and the distribution and has an expense type account, you can adjust 
the Track as Asset check box. If the Track as Asset check box is enabled for an 
invoice distribution, Oracle Assets will import this invoice distribution when 
you submit Create Mass Additions. If you enter an asset type Account, Payables 
automatically enables the Track as Asset check box and you cannot adjust it.

Adjust Final Match.
 If the distribution is purchase order matched and you have 
not submitted approval for it, you can adjust the Final Match option. 

Adjust Income Tax Type/Region. You can adjust the invoice distribution description 
and the income tax type even if you have paid, partially paid, or posted an 
invoice. You can also update the income tax type for each distribution, regardless 
of whether the supplier is designated as federally reportable. Payables uses the 
income tax type when you submit the 1099 Payments report and the 1099 forms. If 
you are updating a distribution to be 1099 reportable, enter the Income Tax Region 
or optionally change the supplier default. If you need to make updates for many 
distributions, you can use the Update Income Tax Details Utility.

Tax Name. You can change the Tax Name if the distributions have not been approved.

3. Save your work. 

4. If you changed the distribution amount, added distributions, reversed distributions, 
or changed the tax name, you must submit Approval before you can pay the invoice. 
Approval will recalculate your scheduled payments.

Adding New Invoice Distributions

Invoice has not been canceled.

If the Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices Payables option is NOT enabled, invoice is not paid or partially paid or
if the invoice is paid or partially paid, the Allow Adjustments to Paid Invoices Payables option is enabled.

To add invoice distributions to an existing invoice.

1. Find the invoice. See: Finding Invoices. In the Invoices Summary add a distribution 
in one of the following ways: If you want to manually add a distribution, choose 
Distributions to navigate to the Distributions Summary and add one in the usual 
If you want to create new distributions by matching the invoice to new purchase 
order shipments or distributions, choose Match and match to a purchase order in 
the Match to PO window. 
If you are adding a distribution to a credit or debit memo, and you would like 
it to match an existing basic invoice, choose Match and match to an invoice in 
the Match to Invoice window. 

2. Choose Scheduled Payments to navigate to the Scheduled Payments window. 
Adjust the scheduled payment amounts to match the new invoice amount. Choose OK.

3. Save your work.

Reversing Invoice Distributions

If you use Automatic Offsets, the invoice has not been paid or partially paid.
To reverse invoice distributions:
1. Find the invoice. See Finding Invoices.
From the Invoices Summary choose the Distributions button to navigate to the 
Distributions Summary. Select the distributions you want to reverse and choose 
Reverse. Payables creates a negative amount distribution for each distribution 
you select. If the distribution was purchase order matched, Payables updates 
corresponding purchase order information such as Quantity Billed.

2. Save your work.

and you reverse an approved invoice distribution, Payables automatically creates 
a reversal encumbrance journal entry that reverses the invoice distribution journal 
entry created when you approved the invoice. If you use encumbrance accounting 
and you reverse an invoice distribution, you cannot update the reversed invoice 
distribution because Payables will use the reversed invoice distribution to create 
the reversing encumbrance journal entries.

ADJUSTING ACCOUNT. If the distribution is purchase order matched, you must enable 
the Allow Flexfield Override Payables option before you can adjust the account.

ADJUSTING INVOICE AMOUNT: You cannot adjust the invoice amount to less than the 
amount you have already paid on an invoice.

AUTOMATIC OFFSETS. If you use Automatic Offsets and an invoice has been fully or 
partially paid, you cannot adjust the invoice, except for the Description.

CANCELED INVOICES: If you have canceled an invoice, you cannot adjust any invoice 
or invoice distribution information for that invoice.

CASH BASIS ACCOUNTING: If you use the cash basis accounting method, you cannot 
update a paid invoice after you post the payment unless it is a void payment and
you have posted the void payment.

You can adjust distributions for any paid or partially paid 
invoice that you have not yet posted.

 If you are using combined basis accounting, and the 
invoice is paid or partially paid, you cannot make adjustments to existing 
distributions. You can, however, match to a purchase order, and you can reverse 
existing distributions.

 If you are using encumbrance accounting and 
you mark a distribution as a final match to a purchase order, Payables creates 
reversing journal entries for all outstanding encumbrances on that purchase order.

FINAL MATCHED: You cannot adjust an invoice that has distributions marked as Final 
Matched. You can disable the distribution's Final Match check box if you have not 
submitted Approval for the invoice. After you submit Approval for a final matched 
invoice and Payables approves the invoice, you cannot make adjustments to the 
invoice or reopen the purchase order.

INTEREST INVOICES: You cannot adjust interest amounts or interest invoice distributions 
of interest invoices that Payables creates automatically if you enable the Allow 
Interest Invoices supplier site option. 

INVOICES SELECTED FOR A PAYMENT BATCH: You cannot adjust an invoice that has been 
selected for payment in a payment batch. You can wait until the payment batch completes 
and then adjust the paid invoice.

. You cannot reverse an invoice distribution 
that has an invalid account.

WITHHOLDING TAX: You cannot adjust posted withholding tax type distributions.

WITHHOLDING TAX: If you have enabled withholding tax and you choose to have 
Payables automatically create invoices to a tax authority, you cannot modify 
the distributions of that invoice.


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