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Showing posts from August, 2014

COGS and DCOGS demystified

Before R12, EBS use to expense the value of the goods to COGS account as soon as Sales Order is ship confirmed in Oracle Order Management and revenue was recognized as soon as the order is imported in oracle AR. There was hardly any time gap between Ship confirm and Invoice generation in oracle systems but in real world there could be many reasons why revenue couldn't be recognized until customer actually accepts the goods in its warehouse. In order to stick with the matching principle stipulated by GAAP which states that expense has to be recorded in same period when revenue is recognized Oracle introduced the concept of Deferred COGS where Cogs recognization is deferred until Revenue is actually realized. In 11.5.10 COGS used to be debited as soon as an order was ship confirmed in oracle but now in R12 Deferred COGS is debited and when revenue is realized then actual COGS is debited and Deferred COGS is credit to offset the earlier entry, thus synchronizing the recognition of

"User to Resource link has been not set correctly" error in CRM

PURPOSE Within any of the modules within the CRM Service Suite of products you are receiving the following error when attempting certain operations: "User Resource Link hast not been setup correctly.   Please contact your System Administrator." This error is to be expected for users not fully configured to "use" the software (especially if you are logged in under a user that typically doesn't use the software, but mainly administers it) In effect, Resources are what perform actions in the Service Module -- build Repair Orders, create Service Requests, Update Contact Information, etc. Being logged in as a User (for example JDOE) does not mean your user is a Resource (Doe, John) capable of using CRM. For each user that needs to be done and is likely something you have done for the bulk of your users as part of a business process, but maybe just not for this one you are testing when this error results. TROUBLESHOOTING STEPS To remedy for this