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ATO Configuration flow in Oracle

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ATO Configuration Flow in Oracle

Create items

1. To setup an ATO Model a few items are needed to get a BOM minimum skeleton.
Through this example, an ATO item (parent), an option class and 3 components (purchased items) are needed.

=> Navigate to Inventory > Items > Master Items
Select organization :
   V1 (Vision Operations)

=> Enter Item Name and Description (with XX=your initials) :
       Model item name : XX AtoModel M01
       Description : XX AtoModel M01

=> Go to Tools -> Copy From :
       Apply the 'ATO Model' template
In the Order Management tab, check that the Assemble to Order flag (ATO) is checked.
In the General Planning tab, check the Make or Buy flag to Make.

=> Save the record, and assign the item to Organization M1.

ATO Item

2. Similarly create Option Class item 'XX OCModel M01' using the 'ATO Option Class' template,
and the three purchased items like 'XX PurchItem1 M01' using the Purchased item template. Assign them all to M1.

The Option Class item has a WIP Supply Type as 'Phantom'.

Option Class Item

Assign a sales price to the newly created items

Navigate to Pricing -> Price List-> Price List Setup. Confirm it is active.

Create a specific Price List (or query up 'Corporate' to add them to it) and go to the List Lines zone.

Click on the New button in the tool bar, enter the following information for each of the created items,
then click on Save
  Product Context: Item
  Product Attribute: Item Number
  Product Value: XX AtoModel M01
  Value: 15.5 (or any other value)
   Leave other fields with default values

Price List

Create stock for the purchased items (options) for a sufficient test quantity

Navigate to Inventory -> Transactions -> Miscellenaous Transactions
 Select organization : M1 (Seattle manufacturing)
    Type : Account Alias Receipt (select whatever source)
    Subinventory : FloorStock (for ex.)

Misc Receipt

Create Bill Of Materials (BOMs)

The BOM to be built for the test case will be as simple as the following:

Using a BOM Responsibility, you can either create the BOM in V1 Org. then copy it to M1, or to create it in M1 Org.
and make it a Common BOM.
The BOM has to exist in both the OU (Validation Org.) and the Shipping Org.
Model Routing has to be created first
Model BOM to be then created, preferably starting for the lower level

=> Navigate to BOM > Routings > Define
   Enter the newly created ATO Model item name
    Add operations 10 & 20 using (predefined) Standard Operations

=> Using a BOM Responsibility, navigate to BOM -> Bill Of Materials -> Define
     Enter the newly created Option Class item name
     Add the components of the Option Class, here Purchased items 2 and 3 are optional

Option Class BOM
  Then enter the Model item name
  Add the option class and the Purchased item 1 (as mandatory items)
  Set the purchased item 1 having a mandatory quantity of 2

Model BOM

=>  Notice that the Option Class keeps a Supply Type as Phantom.

Supply Type Phantom

Testflow steps

The flow describes the steps from the ATO Sales Order creation to its closure.
Make sure that the testing user has sufficient Shipping Role/Grants to process all the WSH steps in Org. M1

Sales Order creation

Change of Responsability to : Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)
Navigate to Orders,Returns -> Sales Order (or Order organizer) -> enter new S/O
  Select M1 as the Warehouse (Others tab)

SO Header

Go to the Lines tab and enter your model item
  Item : XX AtoModel M01
  Enter the line quantity

SO Line

Configure the ATO model

Click on the Configurator button to open the CZ selector and to select the model options

Configuration Selection

Notice that
 - the item 'XX OCModel M01' has a red star in the model tree :
 this to indicate that a component (at least) of the option class is mandatory
 - the Purchased item 1 does not appear as being mandatory and not an option
Select the desired components
 Click on the 'Finish' button when completed, i.e. when the configuration is complete

Confiragotion Finished

=> The cursor is back to the sales order entry form and the order can be booked
as the configuration is complete :

Sales Order Booked

Generate the Configured Item

=> The ATO model line workflow has now progressed to the 'Create configuration eligible' activity.

ATO Workflow

From the ATO model line, the configured (ATO item or 'star' item) is ready to be created :
Select Actions > Progress Order
  Click OK

Progress Order

=> This creates the configured item on line 1.1..0 :

Sales Order Line 1.1.0

 This line WF is at 'Create Supply Order Eligible' activity :

Create Supply Diagram

Generate the WIP discrete job

From the configured item line, the WIP discrete job is ready to be created :
Select Actions -> Progress Order
Click OK

Line Supply Eligible

=> This launches a Concurrent Request process :

WF Request

=> The result of the request is seen in View requests : ATO Mass Load Report.
 The output shows the WIP Discrete Job Order number for the ATO item :

ATO Mass Load Report

=> Place the cursor on the configured item line in S/O entry form, and you’ll check that the Reserved Quantity = 2.
=> The Job name can be checked from the S/O entry form by using the menu options :
. Tools > Scheduling > Reservations Details
. The WIP job order inherits the sales order quantity of the configured item.


Progress the WIP job

It is necessary to progress the WIP discrete job up to completion in order to
 fulfill the reserved sales order demand of the configured item line.
Then the configured item will have some stock to be pick released and shipped against the sales order.

=> Change to a Manufacturing/WIP responsibility to check the job number created in unreleased status in Org. M1.
. Navigate : WIP -> Discrete Jobs -> Discrete
. Query the job number (or the configured item as the Assembly) : 98704


=> Change its status to Released and save :

WIP Status

The link with the Sales Order line is shown when clicking on the Sales Orders button :


=> The discrete job order is now ready to be progressed until final completion.
To do this, it's required to move the start quantity from the first routing operation
 (Step Queue of Operation 10) to the last one (at To Move step of Operation 20) :

 Navigate : WIP > Move Transactions > Move Transactions
. Query the job name (or the Assembly)
. Set the transacted quantity
. Select the From/To in the Operations zone
. Save the move transaction

Move Transaction

Complete the WIP job

=> As the full WIP job quantity has been transferred to the last step of the last operation, it can be completed.
 This will create the stock of the configured item, reserved for the particular S/O line.
. To directly set the WIP job as completed, navigate to : WIP > Material transactions > Completion Transactions.
. Query the job number
. Select the subinventory where the stock is placed
. Set the completed quantity
. Click the 'Done' button

WIP Completion

=> The WIP job order has now a 'complete' status and shows the completed quantity :

WIP Job Complete

Pick release the configured item line

Responsibility : Order Management Super User, Vision Operations (USA)

=> At this stage, the sales order line of the Configured item is at awaiting shipping status :

Line Awaiting Shipping

=> The Line is ready to be pick released.

Navigate : Order Management > Shipping > Transactions
. In the Lines/LPN tab, verify that the line status is Ready to Release
. Select the Launch Pick Release option from the Actions menu
. click on the Go button
. This launches the pick release concurrent request for the delivery.

Launch Pick Release

=> The delivery is now ready to be ship confirmed.

Ship confirm the configured item line

Navigate : Order Management > Shipping > Transactions
. (Re)Query the Sales Order
. In the Lines/LPN tab, verify that the status is Staged/Pick Released
. Confirm the Shipped quantity = Picked quantity
. Select the Delivery tab

Ship Confirm Successful.
. Select the Ship Confirm option from the Actions menu
. click on the Go button
. Keep the Ship Entered Quantities radio button checked on the Ship Confirm form
. Check the feedback message (ITS run)
. When ITS has ran fine, the cursor is back to the delivery tab of the Shipping Transactions form.
 The delivery is now at Closed status.

Close the configured item line and invoicing process

=> When ITS has ran fine, the configured item line has Shipped status.
The delivery status can be retrieved from the sales order line through the Actions > Additional line details option.

SO Line Additional Infomation

=> The configured item line workflow is now in fulfill deferred activity.

WF Fulfill Deferred

=> But only the ATO model line will be invoiced and will progress to invoicing activity when the WF background has ran :

Lines Closed

=> The Sales Order lines (only components marked as optional in BOM can be shown on invoice in addition to the ATO model):

Invoice Lines

This completes the steps for the ATO Configurations testflow

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