This document is meant to assist in the successful
completion of the Min-Max
Planning Report
The intended use of this document is for the casual user
beginning to use
the Min-Max Planning feature of Oracle Inventory.
Min-Max planning is a type of order point replenishment
system where the
minimum is the order point, and the maximum is the
"order up to" inventory
level. The order quantity is variable and is the result of
maximum minus
available and on-order inventory. An order is recommended
when the sum
of the available and the on-order inventory is at or below
the minimum.
Oracle Inventory enables you to perform min-max planning at
two levels:
A. Organization
B. Subinventory
To perform organization-level min-max planning for an item,
you must specify
organization-level minimum and maximum quantities. To
perform subinventory-level
min-max planning for an item, you must specify subinventory-level
min and max
Requisitions may be generated to request stock for items for
which the on-hand
quantity plus the on-order quantity is less than the min-max
minimum amount.
Requisition can be stocked from another internal
organization or from an outside
supplier, based on item sourcing rules you define at the
subinventory, item or organization level.
You can define a default item source at the organization,
subinventory, or item
levels. Oracle Inventory uses the information from the
lowest level to determine the
source from which to requisition the item. The ascending
hierarchy is 1) Item
in a subinventory, 2) Source in a subinventory, 3) Item in
an organization,
and 4) Source in an organization.
Order when the following is true:
(on-hand quantity - demand) + (quantity on-order) <
minimum quantity
Quantity on order is the sum of purchase order quantities,
requisition quantities,
and intransit shipments. It also includes WIP jobs as supply
at the organization level.
Quantity on order represents supplies that you have not
received in you organization.
Order quantity = (Maximum Qty) - [(on-hand quantity) +
(quantity on order)]
Navigate as System Administrator: Profile`System place
cursor in the Profile field
and type in 'INV:MIN%'.
You can specify a system-level min-max reorder approval
APPROVAL. This option allows you to create requisitions as
either approved or unapproved
when you run the Min-Max report.
When you min-max plan at the organization level you can
optionally include open sales orders
and work in process component requirements as demand in the
min-max planning calculation.
Inventory balances, purchase orders and WIP jobs are
considered sources of supply.
Purchase requisitions for buy items and WIP unreleased jobs
for make items for the
replenishment quantities can be optionally created. These in
turn become purchase orders or
internal orders and the unreleased jobs become jobs for the
required items.
Set Up.
Min-max planning begins by properly setting the min-max item
Navigation: Items-->Master Items or Organization Items.
Choose the Inventory Attribute Group.
Inventory Item:
This attribute must be checked for items which are stockable
and transactable
and for min-max planned items which are built in Work In Process.
Stockable: Check this box if you are checking the
Inventory Item attribute.
The Transactable
attribute will also be check as this attribute is dependent
upon the
Stockable attribute.
Choose the Costing Attribute Group.
Costing enabled:
This attribute allows item cost reporting and tracking of the
value for this
Inventory Asset
Value: This attribute indicates if this item is maintained as an asset
in inventory.
(Turning this option off indicates an expense item.)
Choose the Purchasing Attribute Group.
Purchased: Indicates
whether to purchase and receive an item. This option will allow
Requisitions to be generated for items sourced from Suppliers.
Indicated whether an item can be placed on a purchase order. This
attribute can
only be set when the Purchased attribute is on.
Choose the General Planning Attribute Group.
Planning Method: Set to Min-Max
Min-Max Minimum
Quantity: Enter the user defined quantity minimum for min-max planning.
When min-max planning
is used the Min-Max Planning Report will suggest a new order when
quantity drops to
this minimum.
Min-Max Maximum
Quantity: Enter the user defined quantity maximum for min-max planning.
When min-max
planning is used the Min-Max Planning Report will suggest a new order that
brings on-hand
quantity up to this maximum.
Minimum Order
Quantity (Optional): Enter the minimum order quantity or repetitive rate.
This defines an
order quantity below which it is unprofitable to build or buy the item.
Maximum Order
Quantity (Optional): Enter the maximum order quantity or repetitive rate.
This defines an
order quantity above which there is insufficient capacity to build or store
the item.
Source Type :
A. Inventory - Fills requisition requests
by creating internal requisitions that become
internal sales
orders, to pull stock from existing inventory.
B. Supplier -
Fills requisition requests by creating purchase requisitions that become
purchase orders, procuring the item from a
Organization: This attribute is controlled at the Organization Level Only.
the organization
from which an internal requisition draws the item. This applies only when
Inventory is the
Source Type.
Subinventory: This attribute is controlled at the Organization Level Only.
the subinventory
within the source organization from which an internal requisition draws
the item. This
applies only when Inventory is the Source Type and only when there is a
Organization entered.
Make or Buy:
Select the option that applies to items with Inventory Item set to
The Purchasable
attribute must be set to "yes" to create purchase requisitions and
purchase orders.
Fixed Lot
Multiplier (Optional): Enter the fixed lot multiple quantity or repetitive rate
further control
order quantity.
Note: Safety Stock
Method : MUST be set to "Non-MRP Planned".
Choose Work in Process Attribute Group.
Build in WIP:
Check this attribute if it is a "Make" item as well as an Inventory
Item, and to
have Min-Max
generate unreleased jobs. Repetitive plans cannot be generated for repetitive
you have the
option of generating requisitions, unplanned jobs or a report only at the
Oracle Inventory takes into consideration inventory
balances, purchase orders, internal order supply and
optionally, sales order demand for a single subinventory
only. Rather than using item attributes for planning,
Oracle Inventory used values and parameters set at the
item/subinventory level. The following values can be
established using either the Define Subinventory/Item Information
form or the Define Item/Subinventory
Information form:
Planning Region
Min-Max Minimum
Min-Max Maximum
Planning Method
set to Min-Max Planning
Order Modifier Region
Fixed Lot
Multiple (Optional)
Maximum Order
Quantity (Optional)
Minimum Order
Quantity (Optional)
Sourcing Region
Item Sourcing
Details :
Sourcing type
(Vendor or Inventory)
Organization (if type is Inventory)
Subinventory (if type is Inventory - optional)
Setup-->Organizations-->Subinventories. Query a
Subinventory and then click on Item/Subinventory button on
the bottom of the form.
Alternative way to access this: Items--> Master
(Organization) Items then either query an item or define a
new item and click on "Special"
In addition to the planning level option (organization or
subinventory), Oracle Inventory offers the option to Net
Demand when calculating availability. You also specify a
Demand Cutoff Date and a Supply Cutoff Date.
Net Demand = "Yes" to any of the Net Demand Report
Nettable Quantity On-hand is either the sum of the
quantities on hand for the item across all nettable Subinventories
within the organization or the nettable quantity in the
subinventory specified (depending on the planning level).
Non-nettable quantities may be optionally included.
7 Total Available = Nettable Quantity On-Hand +
On-order - Open Demand where:
Nettable Quantity On-hand is the sum of the quantities on
hand for the item across all nettable Subinventories within
the organization or the nettable quantity in the
subinventory specified (depending on the planning level).
Non-nettable quantities may be optionally included.
On Order is the sum of open purchase orders, requisitions,
internal orders, work in process jobs
and shipments scheduled
for receipt prior to or on the Supply Cutoff date. If using
the Subinventory planning level, orders referencing other
subinventories, or with no subinventory referenced, are not
Open Demand is the sum of open sales orders, reserved or
unreserved, scheduled to ship prior to or on the Demand Cutoff Date
and WIP component demand scheduled for issue on or before
the Demand Cutoff Date. If using the subinventory planning level,
sales order demand referencing other subinventories, or with
no subinventory referenced, are not included.
7 If Total Available < Minimum Quantity then Min-Max
Planning Report will suggest a new order where:
Minimum Quantity is the value for the Min-Max Minimum
Quantity item attribute. Or, at the Subinventory planning level minimum
quantity is the value for the Min-Max Quantity set at the
item/subinventory level.
7 Order Quantity = Maximum Quantity - Total Available,
adjusted for order quantity modifiers:
Oracle Inventory revises the order quantity if necessary for
the quantity to be a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier.
The order quantity must be greater than or equal to the
minimum quantity, or the
quantity will be revised upward to the minimum.
The order quantity must be less than or equal to the maximum
quantity or the quantity will be revised downward to the maximum.
Net Demand = "No" to the Net Demand Report
7 Total Available = Nettable Quantity On-Hand + On-Order
(note that Open Demand is not considered here) where:
Nettable Quantity On-hand is the sum of the quantities on
hand for the item across
all nettable Subinventories within the organization
or the nettable quantity in the subinventory specified
(depending on the planning
level). Non-nettable quantities may be optionally included.
On Order is the sum of open purchase orders, requisitions,
internal orders, work
in process jobs and
shipments scheduled for receipt prior
to or on the Supply Cutoff date. If using the Subinventory
planning level, orders
referencing other subinventories, or with no subinventory
referenced, are not included.
7 If Total Available < Minimum Quantity then Min-Max
Planning Report will suggest a new order where:
Minimum Quantity is the value for the Min-Max Minimum
Quantity item attribute. Or,
at the Subinventory planning level minimum quantity is
the value for the Min-Max Quantity set at the
item/subinventory level.
7 Order Quantity = Maximum Quantity - Total Available,
adjusted for order quantity modifiers:
Oracle Inventory revises the order quantity if necessary for
the quantity to be a multiple of the fixed lot size multiplier.
The order quantity must be greater than or equal to the minimum
quantity, or the
quantity will be revised upward to the minimum.
The order quantity must be less than or equal to the maximum
quantity or the quantity will be revised downward to the maximum.
Requisitions can be optionally generated when the Min-Max
Report is run. A location
must be specified to serve as the default delivery
location on the requisitions. In addition, the Restock
parameter must be set to "Yes".
Oracle Inventory creates purchase requisitions
when the attribute Source Type is set to Supplier, and
creates requisitions for Internal
Orders when the attribute Source Type is set to Inventory.
The Source Organization attribute is used to determine the
organization from which the internal requisition sources the item.
Once the report is generated, a row can be found for each
item generating a requisition
At this point Oracle Inventory has completed the Min-Max
process once rows are found in this table.
A requisition or purchase order number is not generated
until the Requisition Import process is run from Oracle Purchasing.
Change responsibilities to an Oracle Purchasing
responsibility with enough rights
to run the Import Process. Navigate to Reports-->Run,
place cursor in the Name field and choose 'Requisition
Import' from the list of values.
In the field Import Source there will be a choice
of INV in the list of values indicating that there are
requisitions to be imported
from Inventory. Import these requisitions and
process as any ordinary requisition.
1. Navigate to Reports-->Planning and choose Min-Max
Planning from the list of values in the Name field.
2. The parameters window will appear.
3. Indicate whether the
planning level is set for the entire organization or a specific
subinventory. If you select Subinventory,
enter the name of the subinventory. At the Subinventory
level, the report cannot
generate jobs and does not consider Work in Process
jobs as supply or Work in Process components as demand.
4. Indicate the type of item to include on the report. The
choices are Items Under Minimum Quantity, Items Over Maximum
Quantity, or All Min-Max Planned Items.
5. Enter the sort criteria for the report. Choices are:
Inventory item, Category, Planner or Buyer. If you choose Category,
enter the category set.
6. Enter the demand cutoff date. The report includes demand
on or before this date. If you do not check Net Demand this date
is for display purposes only.
7. Enter the demand cutoff date offset to supplement the
demand cutoff date by any specified number of days. This is optional
and will default to zero.
8. Enter the supply cutoff date. The calculation includes
open supply orders on or before this date.
9. Enter the supply cutoff date offset to supplement the
supply cutoff date by any specified number of days. This is optional
and will default to zero.
10. Indicate whether to create requisitions by setting the
Restock to "Yes". If the Planning Level is set to Organization,
the report generates requisitions or jobs according to the
item's Make/Buy flag. If the Planning Level is set to Subinventory
the report generates only requisitions.
11. For Repetitive Item is used only is conjunction with
Organization Planning Level, choose one of the following options:
Create Requisitions, Create Discrete Jobs, Report Only.
12. Enter the Default Delivery location.
13. Indicate whether to net unreserved orders.
14. indicate whether to net reserved orders.
15. Indicate whether to net WIP demand - this cannot be set
to "Yes" if Planning Level is set to Subinventory.
16. Indicate whether to include PO supply.
17. Indicate whether to include supply residing in Oracle
Inventory interfaces.
18. Indicate whether to include subinventories set to
19. Display Format - choose one of the following:
Display all information. Report displays all
Don't display supply/demand details. Does not display Min Order Qty, Max
Order Qty or Multiple Order Qty columns.
Don't display order constraints Does not display On-Hand qty
20. Indicate whether
to display item information.
The Oracle Inventory Min-Max Planning Report short name is
INVISMMX.rdf. It also has a corresponding INVISMMX.pll file
which is a library of linked programs (ie. do_restock)
called when the report is run. It important that the .pll file
be the correct version for the .rdf file being run. For
information on the latest versions please contact Oracle Support
The Oracle Inventory Min-Max Planning Report is used to show
planning information for items at either the Organization or
Subinventory level. You can specify a variety of selection
criteria and parameters and the report can also generate
purchase or internal requisitions for Buy items or Work In
Process unreleased jobs for Make items.
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