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Move Order transaction in Oracle Apps

  Q1. What is a Move Order transaction?

 A1. Move Order is a request for a subinventory transfer or an account issue
 also known as an account transfer. Move Orders allow planners and facility
 managers to request the movement of material within the warehouse or facility
 for replenishment, material storage relocations and quality handling, etc. 
 For all Move Orders the final result will be one of two supported transactions:
 subinventory or account transfer. Subinventory transfer transactions may still
 be initiated without utilizing the Move Order function if desired.

 Q2. What Move Order source types are available?

 A2. There are three Move Order source types:

 A.  Move Order Requisition
     Generated by:
 *   Manually generated request inside Inventory
     Navigation  Inventory->Transactions->Move Orders

 The requisition is a manually generated request for a Move Order.
 May optionally utilize the approval processing - the requisition can
 optionally go through an Oracle Workflow approval process before it becomes
 a Move Order. If no approval process is used, the requisition becomes a move
 order immediately.

 B. Replenishment Move Order
     Generated by:      
 *   Kanban Cards when pull sequence calls for subinventory transfer
     (intra-org Kanbans)
 *   Min Max Planning Report planned at the Subinventory Level
 *   Replenishment Counts

 Replenishment Move Orders are pre-approved and ready to be transacted.

 C. Wave Pick Move Order
     Generated by:      
 *   Sales Order picking
 *   Internal Sales Order picking

 The Order Management pick release process generates move orders to bring
 material from its source location in Inventory to a staging location, which is
 defined as a subinventory. In other words, a subinventory transfer. 

 Wave Pick Move Orders are pre-approved and ready to transact. Pick slips can
 also be generated for these Move Orders from Inventory with the release of the
 Oracle Order Management module.

 Q3. What are the components of a Move Order?
 A3.  The Move Order has three components:

 *Move Order Header:             Order Type      Default Source
                                 Order Number    Default Destination

 * Move Order Lines:             Item            Source
                                 Project/Task    Destination
                                 Request Qty     Completed Qty

 * Move Order Line Detail:       Item    Destination Details
                                 Source Details

 Move Order Header - Oracle inventory uses the Move Order header to store the
 Move Order source type which refers to the entity that created the Move Order.
 An Order could be a pick wave, sales order pick, a replenishment type (Kanban,
 Min-Max, Replenishment Count) or  a requisition. The Move Order header also
 stores the default source and destination location in the event of a subinventory
 transfer, or an account in the event of an account transfer. The header also
 stores the Move Order number and the requested date.

 Move Order Lines - Move Order Lines are the requests on a Move Order. They store
 the item, requested quantity, completed quantity (for partially fulfilled Move
 Order), a source and destination if known. The Move Order lines also include
 any project and task references, if the organization is project manufacturing

 Move Order Lines Details - Move Order Lines Details contain the information
 necessary to fulfill a particular request line. For instance, the material
 locator, lot or serial control information will be contained at the line detail
 level.  These details are automatically populated by Oracle Inventory when
 picking rules and item transaction defaults for destination locators have been
 setup, or the user can manually fill in the details.  It is highly recommended
 that the item transaction defaults feature be set up in Release 11i:
 Inventory->Setup->Transactions->Item Transaction Defaults

 Q4. What is the basic process flow of a Move Order Requisiton?

 A4. The Move Order process  deploys the following steps:

 *   Create the Move Order for required material. You can manually create the
     requisition or it may be automatically generated at Pick Release, Kanban
     Replishment, Min-Max or Replishment Count reports.

 *   Approve the Move Order if required. There is a seeded Oracle Workflow for
     Move Order Approvals. If  approval is required then the Item Planner must
     approve the Move Order Lines. All automatically generated Move Orders are
     created with an automatic approval.  If you do not desire to require
     approvals in your Inventory Organization for manual Move Order Requisitions
     then you must set your Time Out period parameter to '0' and the Time-Out
     Action parameter to 'Approve'. 
     Navigation:  Inventory->Setup->Organizations->Parameters
     Choose the Inventory Parameters Tab.

 *   Detail the Move Order. Detailing is the process that uses Oracle Inventory
     picking rules to determine where to source the material to fulfill a request
     line. The detailing process fills in the Move Order Line Details with the
     actual transactions to be performed and allocates the material to the Move
     Order. You should not detail a Move Order too soon in the business process
     because the detailing process for a Move Order creates pending transactions
     and removes that quantity from an availability picture. Detailing should not
     be done until you are ready to print a pick slip and actually move the

 *   Print a pick slip if desired or push the Move Order Line Details to mobile
     devices for transaction through the Move Order API - Move Orders

 *   You are now ready to transact the Move Order. You can transact all the order
     lines at once or one detail line at a time as the items are moved.  If you
     transact less than the requested quantity, the Move Order will stay open
     until the total quantity is transacted, or the Move Order is closed
     or cancelled.

 Q5. What new tables, forms or profile options are used with the Move Order


      Move Orders (INVTOMAI)
      This form allows you to create and  approve Move Orders by specifying
      items, source and destination locations, quantities and other order

      This form includes the following windows:
         Find Move Orders
         Move Order Header Summary
         Move Order Lines Summary

      Transact Move Orders (INVTOTRX)
      This form allows you to transact Move Orders and to view and update
      sourcing information.

      This form includes the following windows:
      Find Move Order Lines
      Transact Move Orders
      Transact Move Order Line Details

      TP:INV Move Order Transact Form
      This profile option allows the Move Order transaction mode to be set as
      either online, background or concurrent request.


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